Saturday 6 April 2013

Imagine Dragons Night Vision album - QUICKY REVIEW!

We finally have it here in the UK!, it's only taken a few months...

Since the release of the single "Radioactive", I've been dying to listen to the album. On release, you notice that the tracks aren't as powerful as "Radioactive", yet they do still have a punch to them.

Unfortunately the album is 51 minutes long, which is a little shorter than I would like but the general quality of the music is brilliant, especially for a breakthrough album. The album is 13 songs long, which should technically be 14 songs when there is "Che-ching" missing from the US version of the album and "Fallen" from the UK version. This make me a little wary as the album lacks a great song to spread to their new audience but to also expand the length of the album to 55 mins.

Musically the album has the iconic indie style which varies song to song capturing your attention and avoiding the song feeling like they're dragging on. It's very calming and really is a nice album to cruise around with in your car...It works for me and my occasional spouts of 'road rage'. The instruments don't drown out the lead vocalist, but help to pronounce his lyrics and his distinctively powerful voice.

The lyrics are varied giving diversity to the album, moving from inspirational to stuff you could consider love songs. Every song has the catch chorus that wraps you into the song and gives even more power to each song! Vocally the lead singer has a very obvious style but manages to adapt to each song independently. With all the power and catchyness of these songs, you can see why they are getting used for adverts here, there and everywhere. I just hope that the songs don't get overplayed to the point that it can ruin this brilliant album.

Overall, I love the album. It doesn't blend into one big song, it has brilliant vocal and lyrically capability and has a nice mix of backing music. Occasionally however some song to appear a bit samey and catchy and strong songs are picked by advertisers to sell an item which may ruin some of the songs for me but I think this album deserves all the praise it is getting...8/10...maybe 9/10!

P.S - I also recommend buying the Amazon MP3 version, simply as it costs a lot less!

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